Friday, 16 January 2009

Social Life in Grimsby..Grimsby Job Centre Plus in Association with Cue World

Residents of Grimsby have been delighted by the relocation of a much loved social highspot called "cue world".
At cue world you can while away your hours playing pool with your mates you can get off your face on the lash and best of all you can take the kids!!!
Cue world used to be located at Wellowgate but now as you can see from the picture above it has now been relocated above the Job Centre. I apologise for the quality of the above picture, but you can get the general idea. The Job Centre is the building with the big green sign, and Cue World ( The Chavs Nirvana ) is seen in the top right hand corner
I went there today and spoke to some of the regulars, some of whom did not want to be named

Kyle however was happy to chat, he is pictured above giving a deleriously passionate account of his joy at the relocation of Cue World
"it's F*cking random" he enthused, "I just can't believe it, it's f*ing yeah man, just looka t where we is, I can come here 2ish isnit and if its signing day I can do that and and then f*cking get upstairs and play some pool. then look where we f*ing is yeah. right across the road there is the magistrates and I can go there like init and pay my fines or f**cking appear like if I'm on like other days all I gotta do is cross the road here yeah cos the f*cking cop shop is right there next to the f*cking magistatres like and I can answer my f*cking bail and that
It's so f*cking yeah man so convenient
random f*cking random


  1. I must say I had an amusing episode along Victoria Way only last week.

    I work within the town centre and often take a stroll to Tesco to purchase soem lunch. On one particular day I wandered along the road only to see a chav wander across the road from the Job Centre (obviously just signed on) and carried on straight into the Magistrates Court.

    You may have posted your blog in jest, but it actually happens in this lovely town of ours!

  2. Who is that muppet who hangs round the library and writes to the paper? Dim Thickleburgh, he wrote to The Independent in 1994 about long term unemployment and he's STILL on the dole!

  3. if you are going to poke fun at chavs (and it's not hard), maybe you could do it with correct spelling and grammar, or you're not really much better than those you take the p*** out of, are you?

    Re. Anonymous: what has it to do with you what Mr Mickleburgh does or doesn't do? At least he has his own agenda; you on the other hand are just a sad, bitter stalker. Well done.

  4. Isn't it about time his agenda included getting a job, the lazy twat?
