Friday, 16 January 2009

Finding Love in Grimsby

Until 2007 neighbouring cleethorpes hosted the world famous "Bags Ball" on a wednesday night. It has now ceased and it's venue The Wintergardens has now been demolished.
The aptly named Bags Ball was a place where often young inexperienced and shall we say somewhat inadequate young men went and got their end away with elderly women, again a case of the daft and the dammed ;)
It is no surpirize to those who have knowledge of Grimsby and Cleethorpes that the area is famous only for Fish and the Bags Ball, I will resist the temptation to draw the obvious comparrison.
So with the bags ball a thing of the past, how do the men of Grimsby find Love, The answer is simple they frequent one of the towns various massage parlours, the most famous being Nicoles

With the demise of the bags ball many older "ladies" found themselves starved of physical contact, Picured above is Doreen , who loved her wednesday nights at the Bags Ball, but instead of lying down and giving up, Doreen took the plunge and hired a room at Nicoles
"It's wonderful" she told us, "I can look out of the window and see my grandkids playing in the school yard, the young men round here like an older woman, and I'm very strict with um darl' because thats what they like. We got a dungeon downstairs at Nicoles now and thats great fun, and I will even say its even more fun than the bags ball as that was only once a week"

Elaine (above) also has a room at Nicoles "I'm looking for Mr Right" she told us "Grimsby men are not very romatic are they?" she added " I'm certain to find the right man, all the real gentlemen in Grimsby come to us"

Shirley however "works from home" she describes her self as classy and at the upper end of the market, Shirley also misses the bags ball but feels she has now find her true direction. Shirley has some remarkable talents with ping pong balls and ballons, but she will not give details unless she's got the dosh first.
We met some very strange ladies on our quest to find out about finding love in Grimsby. I think we should round off with a word of advice
If the lady of your choice has fingers that smell of fish, and she DOESN'T work on the fish dock, then she either loves herself a little too much or she has a personal health problem
Grimsby girls can give the term "fish fingers " a whole new meaning !!!


  1. On the topic of fishy smells and fingers:

    (it's towards the bottom of the interview -- which one the whole is a bit of a waste of time).

    I visited Grimsby once in my life in the early 1990s -- too short a stay to get an intimate glimpse of the place (or its bizarre inhabitants).

  2. Thanks for the invite to your blog Joe...I too moved to GY eleven years ago from dahn sarf. Grimsby certainly has a unique quality about it.
    I never attended the Bags Ball although I have heard all the stories about it.
